Monday 9 May 2016


TODAYS REFLECTION 6TH WEEK OF EASTER SAT MAY 7 ( Acts 18 :24-28, Jn 16:23b-28 )

Friends the First reading of today teaches us that the Lord continues to choose "the world's lowborn and despised, those who count for nothing" (1 Cor 1:28) to bear great fruit and renew the face of the earth in the power of the Holy Spirit (Ps104:30). Priscilla and Aquila lived their marriage and their life in the Holy Spirit. Wherever they went, they bore great fruit in whatever they did.

They risked their lives for the sake of Paul and helped him recover from his failed mission to Athens ( Acts 17:32–18:3). They also assisted the great teacher Apollos and led him to faith in Jesus. They are been remembered and appreciated in the churches of the Gentiles (Rm 16:4). May we be available to assist others in their points of need and bring them to the knowledge of the gospel like this couple.

In the gospel we learn that If we were fully open to the Truth, and if we were completely ready to embrace the Truth no matter what it was, Jesus would be able to speak to us clearly and we would respond immediately. Also Jesus further advices us to boldly  approach God as our Father and ask him for the things we need. In love he bids us to draw near to his throne of grace and mercy. Finally like Priscilla and Aquila May we recognise that we are called to help others to know Jesus and the Will and love of God.  And we are also to seek out others who will help us continually grow in our faith. Be blessed as we are united in prayers through the NOVENA OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.

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