Sunday 15 May 2016


TODAYS REFLECTION 7th WEEK OF EASTER WED MAY 11. ( Act 20:28-38, Jn 17:11b-19 )


In the first reading as Paul was about leaving Ephesus  He warns the community that the danger of “perverting the truth” can come as easily internally from the Christian community as well as from the external world. He exhorts the community to God’s gracious word.

Beloved, In the Gospel, On the eve of his sacrifice on the cross and in the presence of his disciples, Jesus made his high priestly prayer: "Holy Father, keep them in your name that they may be one as we are one". Jesus prayed for the unity of his disciples and for all who would believe in him. Also we are reminded more than once that we “do not belong to the world“ but to Christ and his kingdom. The fact for me is that we are going to be challenged by the world as an adherent to the truth Christ proclaimed. As we grow spiritually we we begin to better understand just how counter cultural our faith walk is.

Jesus  prayed that we would be sanctified and consecrated in God's truth and holiness and promised to give us the strength and power of the Holy Spirit to live as his disciples, because walking in the world can be difficult at times. We are all called to go out into the world and proclaim the Gospel daily in our lives. In most cases we can accomplish this by our actions at home, work and in our communities. We pray that we be sanctified in the truth and always grow in Holiness for the Glory of God. Be blessed.

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