Monday 9 May 2016


TODAYS REFLECTION 6TH WEEK OF EASTER FRI MAY 6 ( Acts 8:9-18, Jn 16:20-23 ).


Beloved in todays first reading Paul, had a vision and is encouraged to continue to speak out, even though this was potentially dangerous. He was told, “Do not be afraid. Go on speaking, and do not be silent, for I am with you.” And Paul does continue to speak despite the danger. He is brought to the tribunal for speaking against the law, but the proconsul will not hear the complaint against him. The Lord went before him and protected him.  Paul was speaking and teaching the truth and was protected from trial and persecution.

In the gospel, Jesus told his disciples " you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices, but your sorrow will turn to joy". Reflecting on the life of Jesus we see that throughout His public ministry He experienced the anguish and exhaustion of His earthly life. He experienced the criticism of others, misunderstanding, ridicule, rejection, harsh treatment, and so much more. In the end, we know His fate on the Cross. Our Mother Mary also was misunderstood and ridiculed from the beginning as a result of her mysterious pregnancy out of wedlock, she was mocked and harassed.

Friends think of now,  they reign from Heaven as the glorious Queen of All Saints and the King of the Universe. They live in glory now for eternity. Their anguish has turned to perfect joy. Our own cases cannot be different. May we never forget that the way to happiness and joy in the kingdom of God is through the cross and suffering. As the Easter victory of Jesus teaches us courage in the face of suffering and death, may we remain steadfast in our sufferings and struggles bearing in mind that the Lord will surely prove his word by turning our sufferings and mourning into joy. WISHING YOU A BLESSED WEEKEND.

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