Sunday 15 May 2016


TODAYS REFLECTION 7th WEEK OF EASTER THUR MAY 12 ( Acts 22:30, 23 :6-11, Jn 20-26 )


Friends, 0ne of the greatest privileges and responsibilities we have been given by God is to pray not only for ourselves, but for others as well. The Lord Jesus lived a life full of prayer, blessing, and gratitude. He prayed for his disciples, especially when they were in great need or danger. Jesus' prayers were personal, direct, and focused on the good of others.

His  prayer in the gospel today most clearly reveals his heart to whom and what he loved most, love for his Father and love for those who believed in him. His prayer focused on the love and unity he desired for all who would believe in him and follow him, not only in the present, but in the future as well. Jesus' prayer concludes with a petition for the unity among all Christians who profess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Jesus prays here for each one of us that as members of his body the church we would be one as he and his Father are one. The unity of Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, with the eternal Father is a unity of mutual love, service, and honour, and a oneness of mind, heart, and spirit. The Lord Jesus calls each and every one of his followers into this unity of mutual love, service, honor, and friendship with all who belong to Christ. May we respond to this invitation with faithfulness and comitment. Thursday blessings to you.

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