Sunday 27 March 2016

SAINT OF THE DAY MAR 28 ( Blessed Conon of Naso )

Blessed Conon of Naso

Also known as

Cono, Conone


Born to the wealthy nobility, the son of Count Anselmo Navacita, governor of Naso, Italy, and Claudia Santapau. At age 15 he turned his back on wealth and became a Basilian monk at the nearby monastery. Monk at the Fragala Abbey in Frazzano, Italy. Spiritual student of Saint Lawrence of Frazzano. Priest. Hermit, living in a cave at the Rock of Almo. His reputation for holiness spread, however, and he was recalled to his monastery and chosen abbot. Pilgrim to the Holy Lands. Upon the death of his parents, Conon inherited a large bequest which he immediately distributed to the poor. He then retired to live the rest of his day as a prayerful hermit in the cave of San Michele.


3 June 1139 in Naso, Messina, Italy


• Friday 28 March 1236 in the cave of San Michele near Naso, Italy of natural causes, apparently while in prayer
• that day the bells in the town of Naso began ringing on their own; the locals when to the holy man to ask why it was happening; they found him dead and believed that the bells were ringing to annouce his passing


1630 by Pope Urban VIII (cultus confirmation)


• against ear problems
• against nose problems
• Naso, Italy
• San Cono, Italy.

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