Monday 7 March 2016


TODAYS REFLECTION 4TH WEEK OF LENT TUES MAR 8 ( Ezk 47 :1-9, 12, Jn 5:1-16 )


Today in the first reading the Church proclaims Ezekiel's prophecy of the miraculous, world-changing river flowing from God's Temple (Ez 47:1ff). God put into the heart of the prophet Ezekiel a vision of the rivers of living water flowing from God's heavenly throne to bring healing and restoration to his people. We begin to see the fulfillment of this restoration taking place when the Lord Jesus announces the coming of God's kingdom and performs signs and miracles in demonstration of the power of that kingdom.

In today's Gospel reading, we hear of the miraculous healing pool of Bethzatha (Jn 5:1ff). The lame man that Jesus stopped to speak with had been paralyzed for more than 38 years. He felt helpless because he had no friends to help him bathe in the purifying waters of the pool. Despite his many years of unanswered prayer, he still waited by the pool in the hope that help might come his way.

Jesus offered this incurable man not only the prospect of help but total healing as well. Jesus first awakened faith in the paralyzed man when he put a probing question to him, "Do you really want to be healed?" This question awakened a new spark of faith in him. Jesus then ordered him to "get up and walk!" Now the lame man had to put his new found faith into action. He decided to take the Lord Jesus at his word and immediately stood up and began to walk freely. May we put our faith in action in following Jesus.

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