Thursday 3 March 2016


TODAYS REFLECTION 3RD WEEK OF LENT FRI MAR 4 ( Hos 14: 2-10, Mk 12: 28-34 )


In todays first  reading from the prophet Hosea, however, we find not a wrathful, angry God who is asking us to find ways to please or appease him, but rather, God is inviting us to return to Him.  He freely offers his love. Through many allusions to nature and the agrarian world of the times, Hosea tells us that God is a well- rooted tree that will provide shade and fragrance.  The path of the Lord is straight and leads to His love. If we persist in our sin, we will stumble and falter on the path, but He will patiently be waiting when we arrive.

In the gospel, Jesus was tested to see if he correctly understood the law as they did. He startled them with his profound simplicity and mastery of the law of God and its purpose. Jesus, however, did not hesitate.  He singled out two commandments.  The greatest is: “Love God with your whole heart, with your soul, with your mind, and with your strength.”   If you do this, you will be filled with the love and power of the Lord. The second, “Love your neighbour as yourself”, is at the core of all Christianity. It is a straightforward litmus test to be applied to ourselves.

Friends, God loved us first and our love for him is a response to his exceeding grace and kindness towards us. The more we know of God's love and truth the more we love what he loves and reject what is hateful and contrary to his will. In this third week of Lent,  Jesus has told us what is most important. The more we know of God the more we love him and the more we love him the greater we believe and hope in his promises. May God give us the grace to continue to show our love for him in our neighbours. HAPPY WEEKEND TO YOU.

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