Sunday 27 March 2016


TODAYS REFLECTION MON OCTAVE OF EASTER MAR 28 ( Acts 2:14, 22-23, Mt 28:8-15 )


In the first reading of today, Peter's Pentecost proclamation speaks to the inexorability of God's plan of salvation.  He lists the hardnesses of heart and daunting obstacles the plan encountered. It crashed through them Citing David's psalm, he shows that this saving power has long been active in the history of the Chosen People.

In the gospel, the guards brought their testimony to the chief priests and elders who met the news with denial. They were resolved to not believe that Jesus had risen and they bribed the guards in the hope of keeping others from believing. Nevertheless, a few hours they changed the resurrection story among themselves to suit their pride and disappointment (Mt 28:12-13). These lies have been so successful that they circulate "to this very day" (Mt 28:15).

Nevertheless, Easter is a feast of light, and Jesus calls His disciples "the light of the world" (Mt 5:14). However, strong forces are attempting to put our light under a bushel basket (Mt 5:15). In fact, many Christians have many layers of bushel baskets over their light. If we take off the bushel basket of fear, for example, the bushel baskets of lukewarmness, unforgiveness, self-hatred, depression, laziness, anxiety, lust, and compulsions may still be covering us. May God give us the grace to proclaim the resurrection and  never lose sight of its truth in our lives. WISHING YOU A LOVELY AND HAPPY EASTER.

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