Thursday 17 March 2016


TODAYS REFLECTION 5TH WEEK OF LENT FRI MAR 18 ( Jer 20: 10-13, Jn 10: 31-43  )


In the first reading we see Jeremiah, a prophet during the reign of Judah’s five last kings, challenges the community to turn away from the idols that became a center for their lives. His own people turn against him to the point of his life being threatened.  Jeremiah knows their history of sin and grace and turns to God for help in any way possible. He is desperate! Out of his experience of a faithful God, he asks God for vengeance.

God is a God of peace and nonviolence who desires an intimate relationship. Jesus, on the other hand, announces a new covenant and presents a vision not of a vengeful God but a loving God.  He calls God his Father who consecrated him and sent him into the world. Today we see, once again in the gospel where Jesus is threatened by his own people. He doesn’t seem to be living up to their expectations of a Messiah. Blasphemer! they call him. Soon they will cry out CRUCIFY HIM.

Given both experiences, people, and a nation were threatened by the GOOD. God is interrupting their lives and they responded with death to the messenger. Nelson Mandela after He was imprisoned in opposition to apartheid said “Resentment (vengeance) is like drinking poison and hoping it will kill your enemies.” Here we are in the Fifth Week of Lent. We are about to walk with Jesus to Jerusalem and to his death, may we look into our thoughts and actions, Is it rooted in vengeance or love, loss or trust, individualism or relationship, community, and the greater GOOD? May the Lord be near to always assist us. Have a blessed weekend.

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