Thursday 10 March 2016


TODAYS REFLECTION 4TH WEEK OF LENT FRI MAR 11 ( wis 2:1a, 12 -22, Jn 7 :1-2, 10, 25 -30 )


In today’s reading from Wisdom, we eavesdrop on a surly bunch.  They are not troubled by their wicked deeds.  They concede their corruption in a cynical way.  After all, this is how the world runs.  Get used to it.  But one guy will not sit at their table.  He does not play the game.  Without fear, he calls them out.  In his face they glimpse their diminished state.  Such clear vision is offensive.  He must be destroyed and all the rubbish about justice with him.

Jesus met opposition and the threat of death with grace and determination to accomplish his Father's will. Jesus knew that his mission, his purpose in life, would entail sacrifice and suffering and culminate with death on the cross. He willingly suffered for our sake and embraced the cross to redeem us from sin and to restore us to new life and friendship with God our Father.

We  cannot be indifferent to the claims which Jesus makes on us. We are either for him or against him. There is no middle ground. We can try to mold the Lord Jesus to our own ideas and way of thinking or we can allow his word of truth to free us from our own sinful blindness, stubborn pride, and ignorance. A peaceful heart is not compliant.  Jesus shows us the way.  May we never loose focus on Jesus because HE loves n cares much about us. Have a blessed weekend.

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