Tuesday 8 March 2016


TODAYS REFLECTION 4TH WEEK OF LENT WED MAR 9 ( Is 49:8-15, Jn 5: 17-30 ).


Our first reading from the prophet Isaiah is a prophey message from the Lord God over 2,500 years ago. At that time, children were considered blessings from the Lord. The strongest possible human bond was between mother and child. Yet even then, some mothers "forgot" their children and allowed them to be sacrificed to pagan gods (e.g.Lam 4:10).

Isaiah's stirring prophecy rings even more true today as many children have grown up knowing that many mothers forget and abort their children. God has said, 'I will never desert you, nor will I forsake you' " (Heb 13:5). Let us repent from any part we may have played in not wanting or loving children. May parents love their children to such an extent that others will be able to see in their love a reflection of OUR FATHER'S personal love for them.

In todays gospel, The Jewish authorities sought to kill Jesus because he claimed an authority and equality with God which they could not accept. They failed to recognize that this was God's answer to the long-awaited prayers of his people. Jesus not only made such a claim, he showed God's power to heal and restore people to wholeness of life. He also showed the mercy of God by releasing people from their burden of sin and guilt. Jesus' words and actions reveal God's mercy and  justice. He fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah when he brings healing, restoration, and forgiveness to those who accept his divine message. God increase our desire for you that we may long to please you in all we do.

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