Sunday 13 March 2016


TODAYS REFLECTION 5TH WEEK OF LENT MON MAR 14  (  Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62, Jn 8: 12-20 )


In the first reading,   we hear  the story of Susanna, a godly woman who loved God and his word. She was unjustly accused of adultery by two elder judges who had tried to seduce her.  Susanna and Daniel hold that God’s law is most important, even when following it may lead them to suffering under (abuses of) human law. The two elders abuse human law as a tool to support their own power, and do not hold themselves accountable to God’s law. This is all the more disturbing because they have been trusted to judge everyone else. In the end, innocence and fairness win out and the malicious elders suffer.

Susanna’s story,  and survivors of sexual harassment, violence, and trafficking certainly bring up deep pain for many who hear it today. The two elders who wanted to sin with her had done just the opposite  they hid themselves from God's sight and they kept their secret sin hidden from the people as well. They brought false charges against her in revenge for her refusal to sin with them. God in his mercy heard the plea of Susanna and he punished the two elders for giving false witness.

Todays gospel too, describes how Jesus had to face unjust accusations made by the Pharisees, the ruling elders of Israel. They were upset with Jesus' teaching and his healing on the Sabbath. They plotted what charges they might bring against him in order to arrest him and bring him to trial. They wanted to not only silence him, but put him to death for his claim to be the Messiah. They accused him of blasphemy because he claimed to have  equal authority with God. Like susanna may we refuse to compromise with the sinful ways of the world, the flesh, and the devil, Lord grant us Hope and faith that will never dissappoint us even in our trying moments. Have a wonderful weekend.

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