Sunday 6 March 2016


TODAYS REFLECTION 4TH WEEK  OF LENT MON MAR 7 ( Is 65:17-21, Jon 4: 43-54   )


Beloved friends, our readings today give us hope.  They express a core belief of the Christian faith.  This faith that is filled with hope is built on the foundation of the numerous visible examples of God's love for us.  I noticed this thread throughout each of the readings.

Reflecting on the first reading from prophet Isaiah, God promises new things, things that will invoke a response of “rejoicing and happiness” without the “sound of weeping being heard.”  In this description, life is in abundance in both quality and quantity.  What an inspiring and hopeful promise from our loving Lord. Psalm 30 appropriately invites us to praise, a natural response of gratitude for the gifts given to us and for the mercy bestowed on us sinners.

In the Gospel, Jesus acts with mercy and compassion.  The royal official believed and had faith in Jesus and his son who was near death, was cured of his illness.  What a hopeful message to all those who suffer and mourn; our faith in God will save us. Our search for God, in all things, in our daily lives is worthwhile as the verse before the Gospel reassures us: “Seek good and not evil that you may live, and the Lord will be with you.” Friends God's love has been poured on our hearts daily through his word may we respond to this gesture of kindness with faith and trust in him. Have a blessed week.

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