Monday 11 April 2016


TODAYS REFLECTION 3RD WEEK OF EASTER, TUES APRIL 12 ( Acts 7: 51-8 :1a, JN 6: 30-31 ).


Friends, many times it hurts to accept the  truth but it liberates, (Jn 8:32).  Jesus, the Truth (Jn 14:6), stood for the truth. He paid for this stand with His life, as His opponents used deceit, lies, and intimidation of witnesses to condemn Him to death. St. Stephen stood for the truth. He paid for this stand with his life, as his opponents likewise used deceit, lies, and intimidation of witnesses to condemn him to death.

Beloved from the beginning the Catholic Church has always stood for the truth, regardless of whether or not the truth is "politically correct." The Church proclaims the truths that Jesus is really present in the Holy Eucharist, that marriage is only between one man and one woman, that homosexual acts are always sinful, that abortion is murder, that contraception is sinful and contrary to God's plan. This open truth may not go well with everyone but the fact is that this is the truth.

It has been discovered that  many who are opponents of the truth have changed the language to "call evil good, and good evil" (Is 5:20). These people try to intimidate others into exchanging "the truth of God for a lie" (Rm 1:25). Nevertheless, let us imitate Jesus and St. Stephen. "Even to the death fight for truth, and the Lord your God will battle for you" (Sir 4:28). The truth is not negotiable. Speak the truth in love ( Eph 4:15). "The truth will set you free" (Jn 8:32) and bring you salvation. Wishing you Tuesday blessings.

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