Wednesday 6 April 2016

TODAYS REFLECTION Memorial of Saint John Baptist de la Salle, Priest, THURS APRIL 7

TODAYS REFLECTION Memorial of Saint John Baptist de la Salle, Priest,  THURS APRIL 7 ( Acts 5:27-33, Jn 3:31-36 )


Friends in todays responsorial psalm we see the faithfulness of those who trust and call upon God and the faithfulness of God to deliver us.  God is trustworthy, When we trust in God, that is when our faith is strongest.  The fruits of that trust are obedience and repentance.  The blessings of that trust are God’s deliverance, justice, and saving grace.  It takes trust on our part to recognize that we need God.  A lot of people don’t trust God because they don’t think they need God.  But no matter who we are, we are without our own self-sufficiency and in need of God’s benevolence.

In the gospel Jesus tells his disciples that they can believe the words he speaks because God the Father has anointed him by pouring out his Spirit on him in full measure, without keeping anything back. The function of the Holy Spirit is to reveal God's truth to us. Jesus declared that "when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth" (Jn 16:13). When we receive the Holy Spirit he opens our hearts and minds to recognize and understand God's word of truth.

Beloved, If you choose to obey God's voice and to do his will, then you will know and experience that abundant life which comes from God himself. If you choose to follow your own way apart from God and his will, then you choose for death a spiritual death which poisons and kills the heart and soul until there is nothing left but an empty person devoid of love, truth, goodness, purity, peace, and joy. May our choices lead us towards God and may the Holy Spirit fill us and transform our heart and mind that we may have courage to choose what is good, true, and just and to reject whatever is false and foolish. Wishing you Thursday blessings and May St John the Baptist de la Salle pray for us.

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