Friday 29 April 2016

TODAYS REFLECTION Memorial of Pope Saint Pius V, SAT APRIL 30

TODAYS REFLECTION Memorial of Pope Saint Pius V, SAT APRIL 30 ( Acts 16:1-10, Jn 15:18-21 )


In today’s gospel Jesus said to his disciples “Remember the word I spoke to you, ‘No slave is greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.” Jn 15:20, this is really a tough saying. It's easy to think that the closer we grow to Christ the more we will be loved and understood by the world. We can think that everyone will see our holiness and admire it and all will be good and easy in life. In following Jesus we always have a price to pay.

Persecution is something from which we should not run. We should not despair if it happens and we should not hold our head low. Why? Because persecution is a clear sign that we are following in the footsteps of our Master. We are more deeply united to Christ as a result of persecution than we could ever realize.  If we truly love God then we will submit to his truth and obey his word. A friend of God cannot expect to be a friend of the world because the world is opposed to God's truth and way of righteousness.

Beloved, lets ponder on the persecutions or injustice we suffer for the sake of our faith and embrace of the Gospel. The Lord wants to use that if you let Him for our glory . Lets pray for the grace to challenge our own attitudes, to reduce our insensitivities, to decrease our hatefulness, and to increase loving approach to all our sisters and brothers that we encounter. Lord, may we not only imitate You in Your suffering, but also in Your willing embrace of it. Have a blessed weekend.

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