Sunday 10 April 2016

TODAYS REFLECTION, Memorial of Saint Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr, MON APRIL 11.

TODAYS REFLECTION,  Memorial of Saint Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr, MON APRIL 11. ( Acts 6:8-15, Jon 6:22-29 )

As we celebrate the memorial of St. Stanislaus who died in the 11th century, it reminds us that being a Christian and standing up for what you believe in has never been easy. Todays first reading is also about a courageous and articulate martyr, St. Stephen, who is recognized as our first martyr of those following Christ.  While he did not directly confront behaviours of a particular person, his speaking with wisdom and empowered by the Holy Spirit threatened many.  So much so that it was necessary to bear false witness against him.

Both St. Stanislaus and St. Stephen followed their hearts guided by the Holy Spirit.  Both made enemies by preaching and acting upon their beliefs.  Current day martyrs are doing the same as they stand up and are recognized as Christians in a less than welcoming world at times. They are Easter people, proud to be called Christians and bold enough to die for it. Are you one?

In the gospel, Jesus echoes the question posed by the prophet Isaiah: "Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labour for that which does not satisfy" (Is 55:2)? There are two kinds of hunger;  physical and spiritual. Only God can satisfy the hunger in our heart and soul - the hunger for truth, for life, and for love. Jesus urges us to work for food that endures for eternal life. We find this food in our belief in Christ. May we live a  life of love and service, and the forgiveness of others which corresponds to God's mercy and kindness. MAY SAINTS STEPHEN AND STANISLAUS PRAY FOR US. HAVE A BLESSED WEEK.

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