Monday 25 April 2016


TODAYS REFLECTION 5TH WEEK OF EASTER TUES APRIL 26 ( Acts 14:19-28, Jn 14: 27-31a )


In todays first reading Paul and Barnabas "gave their disciples reassurances, and encouraged them to persevere in the faith with this instruction: 'We must undergo many trials if we are to enter into the reign of God' " (Acts 14:22). Because of God's love and our fallen nature, Jesus suffered and died. If we accept God's love, we rejoice to share Christ's sufferings (1 Pt 4:13), for the cross is the key to the door of faith. As we share in Christ's sufferings (Col 1:24), the hardest hearts and bolted doors are opened to the Lord's saving mercy.

In his farewell discourse in todays gospel,  Jesus advices "Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid." Jn 14:27 and grants peace as his gift to his disciples. What kind of peace does he offer? The peace of Christ is more than the absence of trouble. It includes everything which makes for our highest good. The world's approach to peace is avoidance of trouble and a refusal to face unpleasant things. Jesus offers the peace which conquers our fears and anxieties. Nothing can take us from the peace and joy of Jesus Christ. No sorrow or grief, no danger, no suffering can make it less.

Beloved we attain the peace which the Lord Jesus offers through the work of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness and strengthens us with his gifts and supernatural virtues which enable us to live as wise and holy disciples of Christ. To be troubled and fearful is a great burden and weighs us down, therefore reflect upon that which burdens you the most in life and pray for freedom so that you can experience the joy that He has to offer you in life. Be blessed and let's be united in prayers.

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