Sunday 17 April 2016


TODAYS REFLECTION 4TH WEEK OF EASTER MON APRIL 18 ( Acts 11: 1-18, Jon 10:1-10 )


Friends, Jesus, in today’s gospel passage from John, explicitly condemns the false prophets that came before him as thieves and robbers. In our lives today, we are exposed to many voices, false gods and goals that steal from us the true path God has for us. It further gives us insight into this internal struggle that contrasts the voice of the Shepherd with the voice of a stranger.

The sheep are easily taught and conditioned. They learn the voice of their shepherd because it was common practice for shepherds to regularly speak to their sheep. Once the sheep became used to the shepherd's voice, they would turn and follow him when he called. So it is with us. We will follow the voice of that which we are most familiar.

Beloved, If we dedicate some portion of our day, every day, to silent contemplation of God. As we do this, we build a habit of hearing Him speak and we become comfortable with and comforted by His voice. Once this habit is established in us, it will be much easier to go about our busy day hearing God whenever He chooses to speak. We will immediately recognize it is Him and we will follow.

Today lets reflect upon that which calls to us the loudest. lets not allow the many other voices in our world drown out God's voice, and May we love the gentle voice of God and follow him as our only Shepherd because He came that we may have abundant life. WISHING YOU A LOVELY WEEK.

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