Wednesday 20 April 2016

TODAYS REFLECTION, Memorial of Saint Anselm of Canterbury 4TH WEEK OF EASTER THUR APRIL 21

TODAYS REFLECTION, Memorial of Saint Anselm of Canterbury 4TH WEEK OF EASTER THUR APRIL 21 ( Acts 13:13-25, Jn 13: 16-20 )

Beloved, today’s first reading reminds us that the narrative arc of our own Christian story goes way back. Our first reading gives us Paul’s opening speech in Acts. It is revealing that Paul’s first words do not concern Jesus himself, but rather the classic story of Israel’s salvation history – God’s liberation of Israel from Egyptian slavery; God’s gifts of the Promised Land, Judges, Samuel, Saul and David; and the final preparatory ministry of John the Baptist.

In his last supper discourse in the gospel, Jesus addressed the issue of fidelity and disloyalty in relationships. Jesus knew beforehand that one of his own disciples would betray him. Such knowledge could have easily led Jesus to distance himself from such a person and to protect himself from harm's way. Instead, Jesus expresses his love, affection, and loyalty to those who were his own, even to the one he knew would "stab him in the back" when he got the opportunity.

Friends, Jesus loved his disciples to the end and proved his faithfulness to them even to death on the cross. Through his death and resurrection Jesus opened a new way of relationship and friendship with God. Jesus tells his disciples that if they accept him they also accept the Father who sent him. This principle extends to all who belong to Christ and who speak in his name. To accept the Lord's messenger is to accept Jesus himself. May we be ready to stand for Jesus at the cross of humiliation, rejection, opposition, and suffering in our lifes. ST, Saint Anselm of Canterbury PRAY FOR US.

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