Friday 15 April 2016


TODAYS REFLECTION 3RD WEEK OF EASTER SAT APRIL 16 ( Acts 9:31 - 42, Jon 6: 60 - 69 )


Friends, in Jesus' lifetime many were attracted to him because he offered them something irresistible, a visible sign of God's mercy and favour which Jesus demonstrated in his wonderful works of healing, deliverance, and miraculous signs, including the multiplication of the loaves and fish when he feed the five thousand who had gathered to hear him speak. Many stumbled, however, when Jesus made claims which only God can make.

Today, Jesus had just completed His beautiful and profound discourse on the Holy Eucharist stating clearly that His flesh is real food and His blood is real drink and that unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood you have no life in you. As a result of this teaching  many “returned to their former way of life and no longer walked with Him.” In other words, Jesus’ teaching on the Eucharist was difficult for many to accept and believe. Interestingly, after this profound teaching, and after many have left him, He does not backpedal or change what He said. Instead, He asks His Apostles if they wish to leave also.

This question by Jesus to the Apostles is important to understand, Jesus is giving them complete freedom to choose. He does not pressure them to believe what He just taught. Peter speaks up and gives a wonderful response. “Master, to whom shall we go?” These words of Peter reveal clearly two things. First, this was a difficult situation in that people were walking away from Jesus. But secondly, Peter and the other Apostles were aware that they must believe despite the difficulty.

Beloved, as Peter reaffirms his faith in Jesus today, let us reflect, upon our own level of commitment to Jesus, Know that we are completely free to follow Him or to leave Him. He wants us to believe and follow him because He alone has the words of eternal life. Lord help us to freely choose You each and every day our life. Wishing Saturday blessings.

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