Thursday 28 April 2016

TODAYS REFLECTION, Memorial of Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church, FRI APRIL 29

TODAYS REFLECTION, Memorial of Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church, FRI APRIL 29 ( Acts 15 22-31, Jn 15 : 12-17 )


Beloved in todays gospel, Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment - a new way of loving and serving one another. Jesus' love was wholly directed toward the good of others. He love them for their sake and for their welfare. That is why he willingly laid down his own life for us to free us from sin, death, fear, and everything that could separate us from the love of God. Our love for God and our willingness to lay down our life for others is a response to the exceeding love God has given us in Christ.

Furthermore we see that Christ not only chooses us to belong to Him, He also chooses us for His mission. He wants to use us to go and bear fruit for His Kingdom. He wants to use us for a sacred purpose and a divine calling. Being a member of His "team" means that our lives have purpose and meaning. No matter how "unqualified" we may feel at times to make a difference, we must remember that God does not see us that way. Rather, He sees the infinite potential within each of us and chooses to use that potential for the building up of His Kingdom.

Friends let us reflect, this day, on two short phrases: "I have chosen you" and "Go and bear fruit." Dont forget that accepting your call from God will change your life and will also change the lives of those whom you are called to serve. To know Jesus personally is to know God and the love and friendship he offers to each one of us. As we have been chosen by God and to share his friendship, let's pray for a purifying love that overcomes selfishness, fear, and pride and be ready to bear fruits as he expects us. May Catherine of Siena who lived a life of love of God and neighbour in serving the poor and needy and sick in hospitals intercede for us.

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