Sunday 3 April 2016


TODAYS REFLECTION, Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, MON APRIL 4
( Is 7: 20-14, 8:10, Lk 1:26-38 )


Friends today we celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation.  The feast was moved from March 25 (Good Friday this year) to today. Reflecting on the Annunciation of the Lord, what struck me most was Mary's YES FROM THE HEART. She didn’t say yes because someone told her to or because society implied she should.

Many times we do things  out of our head because we hear a voice using words like “should” and “supposed to, we respond to these voices because we are  afraid of what others will think or afraid of making a wrong decision or afraid of pain. Many times we respond out of fear, not love.  Mary responded out of love.  She responded from her heart. Responding out of love can be challenging.  It takes courage. It can be counter-cultural. We need the grace of God in our decisions.

Beloved as we ponder and reflect on Mary's YES today, I invite us to always seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our decisions and allow the Lord to speak through us and be available to be used as HE WILLS. May we be encouraged today through the words of the ANGEL GABRIEL THAT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GOD. And like MARY MAY WE BE DISPOSED TO THE WILL OF GOD, and never be afraid.  "May it be done to me according to your word.” May God grant us Faith, Courage and love so that we can say YES TO HIM out of love. Have a lovely week and May God bless YOU.

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